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2013-11-04 - 2:32 a.m.

well howdy fuckin' doody mother fuckers. guess what! i totally forgot about that last entry. guess why!!




imma give you a moment just cuz last time it wasn't really fair. the answer was thrust upon you immediately and there was no possible way for you, the reader, to have any preparation or moment to reflect on the matter.






i've been fucking drunk as shit for the past 3 weeks straight!

woo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

fuck you!

fuck yeah! fuckin' a!


but yeah, so after spilling the beans and splitting up with the bed pisser, i decided going out and getting drunk as shit every single night and most days was the best course of action. it sounded like a good idea to start with, and after getting really drunk and not sleeping much how it sounded didn't really matter much. mostly because i couldn't/still can't think straight. in fact, if i don't have a drink tomorrow afternoon that will be the longest i've gone so far without drinking, thereby effectively ending the spree. maybe.

the whole thing started with me being uncomfortable staying around at night with her here. as is common with break-ups, things got emotionally messy. not too bad, we didn't fight a bunch and treat each other like shit, quite the contrary. we talked (kind of) and she cried a lot. but to me, that's pretty hectic. i guess. at least as far as this relationship goes. it's hard to watch someone be that upset when you still care about them. i do still care, just not in any romantic way.

so we've been slowly working through it and planning on the future/how we're going to move and split our shit up. the worst part is that most of the stuff we have is either her shit originally or crap she bought. big things we went together on, mostly, but all the knick knack furniture and shit is hers. even the bed. all her shit was better, so keeping old ratty furniture was a stupid idea at the time.

yeah, so that part sucks.

there's other sucky stuff involved, but i'm actually starting to get tired and need to sleep. got a test tomorrow, and another one the day after that. woo hoo! science! yee haw!


if anything, i'm happy about the steps and improvements i've made in the past couple years. if this had happened earlier, i would be spiraling into a severe depression right now and getting suicidal again. thank jeebus that shit's over. ain't nobody got time fo dat!!

see you again soon, kitty turds.

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